Thursday, December 19, 2013

Yomari Recipe!!

Happy Yomari Punni Everyone! Yomari is very popular within Newari community in Nepal. Every year on second of full moon day, people from Newari community make this delicacy. The preparation requires lots of practice and experience. Although, I had never made one, I remember my grandmother making Yomaris every year and they were the tastiest and most perfect looking ones. I haven't have Yomaris since I moved to the States and I have no idea why I did not try to make it earlier. Anyways, this year I did it. Not so perfect looking but gave me the taste and lots of great memories associated with this yummy dish. And if you are like me, far away from home and want to make some easy Yomaris then here is the recipe for you to try:
Yumtastic :)

Prep time: 15min(s) Cook time: 35min(s) Total time: 50min(s) 

Things you will need:

For Dough:
  • Rice Flour (1 and 1/2 half cups )
  • Ghee (3 table spoons)
  • Hot Water (Refer to the picture for the dough)
For Filling:
  • Jaggery Balls (Bheli, 2 medium sized)
  • Sesame Seeds (Powder, 1 cup)
  1. Boil water and make the dough. On the flour add hot water and ghee and mix everything well. Make sure to make the dough nice and firm. Cover and put it aside.
  2. In the meantime, boil jaggery balls in one cup water. Add sesame powder and stir well. The filling is ready.
  3. Start making shapes of Yomari. Try it several times until you make a cone like shape. 
  4. Fill cone with the sesame and jaggery filling and slowly close it.
  5. Steam it on a steamer for 10-15 minutes. 
  6. Done! Relish the yumminess :D