Regular dried Soybean Salad (Bhatmas Sadeko) is extremely popular back home and is also one of the most visited post of my blog. It is extremely yummy and used to be must have in many occasions in my family. Until today, I always used to make regular Bhatmas Sadeko (Click for Recipe), but when I saw green soybeans in my refrigerator, I got an idea of making Green Bhatmas Sadeko. The end results was delicious and equally good as regular Bhatmas Sadeko :) I love green soybeans and cook it in either curry form or just eat after steaming. However, I had never bothered to make something else out of it. Here you go guys, try this extremely easy yet very tasty Hariyo Bhatmas Sadeko (Green Soybeans Spicy Salad) :
Fantastic :x
Prep time: 5 min(s) Cook time: 10 min(s) Total time: 15min(s) Things you will need:
Green Soybeans (3 cups)
Sliced Ginger (3 table spoons)
Sliced Garlic (3 table spoons)
Ginger-Garlic Paste (1 table spoon)
Serrano Pepper/ Green Chilies (2-3, finely chopped)
Onion (1 small, finely chopped)
Tomato (1 small, finely chopped)
Turmeric Powder (1 tea spoon)
Salt (according to taste)
Timur Powder (1/2 table spoon)
Oil (3 table spoons)
Red Chili Powder (1/2 table spoon)
Heat oil and fry soybeans until slightly red.
On a large bowl, add fried soybeans and all of the remaining ingredients mentioned above.
Now a days I have been experimenting various recipes :) As I play with different ingredients, I get to know so many ways treat them. Regular Nepali dishes mainly focuses on curries and my main focus these days is to mix complex ingredients and make a course out of it. The complexity in the recipe of today's blog post is Mushroom and Asparagus. I have in the past made separate curries out of these vegetables but have never combined to form a dish. Today, I tried and I am glad I did. The outcome was super and I will definitely make this curry often in future. Here you go guys, enjoy :D
Yum Yum Yum :x
Prep time: 10 min(s) Cook time: 10 min(s) Total time: 20 min(s) Things you will need:
Asparagus (a bunch, cleaned, chopped 2 inches)
Mushrooms (Any, I used portobello, one small packet or 3 cups)
Onion (1 small, finely sliced)
Tomatoes (2 small, finely chopped)
Serrano Pepper (2 sliced)
Turmeric Powder (1 tea spoon)
Cumin-Coriander Powder (1 table spoon)
Ginger-garlic paste (1 table spoon)
Oil (3 table spoons)
Cumin seeds (1 tea spoon)
Fenugreek seeds (1 tea spoon)
Salt (according to taste)
Water (3 cups)
Heat oil. Add cumin and fenugreek seeds. Fry until brownish black.
Fry onion and Serrano pepper until golden brown.
Add asparagus, mushroom, salt and turmeric. Stir, cover and cook for 3 minutes.
Add tomato, cumin-coriander powder, and ginger garlic paste. On a medium heat stir, cover and cook for 3 minutes.
Add water, stir and cook for another 3-4 minutes.
DONE!! Serve with rice or bread. Simple as that :)
Summer is almost on its way out here in the Midwest. Last week temperature suddenly dropped and was in lower 50s. So, before the snow nightmare gets into our lives, we Nepali residing in Illinois decided to do an outdoor barbecue fun. Surprisingly, Saturday was beautiful and temperature was in 80s. We went to a park nearby and spent our entire Saturday there. My friends and I without a doubt had lots of fun. This time guys in our community planned everything, so food wise there were so many different varieties. When I say food and guys planned BBQ, meat was an item with most different varieties ;) Food was delicious and the park itself had so many things to do. There was a small but very pretty Botanical Garden, small creek filled with lotus, and a good size water fall fountain. We toured and visited each of those places and of course took tons of pictures. This outing after a hectic week at work was so worth it and relaxing. We ate, laughed, sang, toured, and most importantly met each other after a long time. Below are the pictures from yesterday :)
Thai cuisine is one of my favorites when it comes to Asian food. It is the spices they include in their dishes that attracts me the most. I love basil and the flavor it gives to various dishes. I sometimes incorporate basil in Nepali dishes as well and love the aroma it leaves. Today, I wanted something light but at the same time I was super hungry. So, I thought about cooking something Thai inspired and as I was experimenting, I ended up creating this super delicious soup. So, here you guys, super easy and healthy "Thai Inspired" soup recipe for you all to try :)
Yum..... :)
Prep time: 5min(s) Cook time:10min(s) Total time: 15min(s) Things you will need:
Spaghetti (2 cups, boiled, washed)
Mixed Vegetables (Any kind, 3 cups)
Onion (1 small, finely chopped)
Garlic (3-4 cloves, finely sliced)
Basil (2 table spoons)
Butter (2 table spoons)
Seasoning Salt/ Regular salt (according to taste)
Chili Paste (2 table spoons)
Coconut Milk (2 cups)
Tomato (1 small, finely chopped)
Shredded Cheese (1 cup)
Soy Sauce (2 table spoons)
Water (3 cups)
Heat Butter. Add garlic, onion and basil. Fry until golden brown.
Add mixed vegetables, salt, chili paste, and soy sauce. Stir and cook on a high heat for 2 minutes.
Add coconut milk, water, and spaghetti. Stir and cook on a heat between medium and high for 5 minutes.
Finally after ages, I got eat/make Pumpkin Chicken Curry :) After moving to the United States, I was searching Pumpkin (the one we get in Nepal) everywhere (in IL) but never found one. Ones we get here in Illinois are either Zucchini Squashes or the Halloween Pumpkins. I have never cooked Halloween Pumpkin and will never bother to. However, I have tried making this dish with Zucchini and the result came out somewhat close but not exactly what my mom used to cook. So, when I saw Nepali Pumpkin in Farmer's Market the other day, I had to get it. The curry was delicious and just like what we get back home :) Here you go guys, today let's try something authentic.
Fantastic :x
Prep time: 5min(s) Cook time:25min(s) Total time: 30min(s) Things you will need:
Pumpkin (1 small, washed, peeled and cut in small cube size) OR you can substitute pumpkin with Zucchini. If Zucchini use 3-4 and cut in in small cube size without peeling. Method of cooking is same.
Chicken thighs (1, cleaned and chop according the size you desire)
Oil (3 table spoons)
Black Mustard (1 table spoon)
Cumin Seeds (2 tea spoons)
Red/Green Chilies (3-4)
Thinly sliced ginger and garlic (2 table spoons)
Ginger-Garlic Paste (1 table spoon)
Cumin-Coriander Powder (1 table spoon)
Meat masala (1 table spoon)
Red chili powder (1/2 table spoon)
Water (3-4 cups)
Salt (according to taste)
Heat oil on a pressure cooker and add cumin, mustard, sliced ginger, garlic and chilies. Fry until the seeds are brownish black.
Add chicken, turmeric powder and salt. Cover, stir and cook on a medium heat for 7-10 minutes. Make sure to stir periodically.
Add pumpkin/zucchini, cumin-coriander powder, meat masala, red chili powder and ginger garlic paste. Stir, cover and cook for another 7-8 minutes on a medium heat. Make sure to stir periodically.
Add water and stir the curry couple of times. Close the lid of the pressure cooker and cook on a medium heat until it whistles twice.
It has been more than five years since I came to the United States and all of these years I have been living here in the Midwest. But during these times, I had never been to any of the U Pick Farms! I once went for Strawberry Picking but wasn't impressed that much because the harvesting season at that time was over and I ended up picking sour baby strawberries :( After that, I always ignored and never bothered to visit one of these farms. But yesterday, day was nice and as always I was searching for nearby attractions to spend my weekend. I found out this Orchard near by, which had mentioned apples being ready to pick. I was hesitant at first but I had no other choice and I wanted to get outside of the house so bad. So, I and my husband decided to visit this Orchard to pick apples. Seriously guys I was so surprised and amazed at the same time because the Orchard was beautiful. I was constantly scolding myself because the orchard was just fifteen minute drive from where we used to live before and we never even thought about it a single time. Unlike, the Strawberry Farm that I had visited in the past, this orchard was amazing. It was filled with apple trees and there were so many varieties. As seen in the pictures below, apples were fresh, red, ripen and so delicious! This has to be one of the best experiences of mine here in the Midwest. I regret that I ignored this place before. I am definitely going to visit this place often and recommend to everyone living here in the Midwest. This seriously is a Must Visit :) Hurry Up! This season will end in no time. Address: (